Friday, April 6, 2012

Tough Mudder

In a fit of insanity I agreed to join a friend in running a Tough Mudder race in October in Las Vegas. It is supposed to be the toughest race on Earth. I'm thinking maybe I bit off a little more than I can chew..

I will be doing a lot of training like this so that I don't die when I actually run the race:

Right now I can barely run a half mile.

For this race I will have to be able to run 10.5 miles across the Nevada desert while navigating obstacles designed by the British Special Forces.

I'm basically fucked..

So to avoid gruesome injuries and certain death I will have to do some very targeted training.

My plan is to work up to running a 5k using the Couch to 5k program and then keep adding miles until I can easily run 6-7.

While I'm working on that I will also be doing resistance training to build muscle and strength to aid me in navigating the obstacles.

Then I'm just going to start running around the city like a mad man climbing walls and jumping over things yelling "PARKOUR!" and "TOUGH MUDDER!". That's what people who run these races do, right? ...right?!

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